Happy 45th Anniversary to Nebraska's NRDs
Happy 45th Anniversary to Nebraska's NRDs
On July 1, 1972, Nebraska's Natural Resources Districts were formed. LB1357 had been introduced by Senator Maurice Kremer and signed into law in 1969. Originally 24 Districts took the place of 154 special purpose districts (i.e. soil & water conservation districts, watershed conservancy districts, irrigation districts, etc. - 13 different kind in all). Today 23 Districts are in place with the merger of the Papio and Middle Missouri Tribs District. Each NRD was delineated based on hydrologic boundaries. The Nemaha NRD serves citizens in the Big Nemaha and the Little Nemaha River basins. Twelve statutory responsibilities were assigned to the NRDs though each could decide how to set priorities among them. In the Nemaha flood and erosion control, soil conservation, and tree planting were high on the list for the first years. Over time water quality/quantity, outdoor recreation, and conservation education became additional areas of focus. A 21-member elected board of directors governs the operations of the Nemaha NRD.
Join us on July 1st in celebrating 45 years of protecting lives, protecting property, and protecting the future of natural resources in southeast Nebraska!