Recreation Areas

Recreation Areas

Five public recreation areas with lakes and one trail are maintained and operated by the Nemaha NRD. Rules and regulations to assure the safe and fair use of the areas have been set and approved by the NRD board of directors. A few rules that apply to most areas include prohibiting alcohol and weapons, no personal watercraft (“jet skis”) on any of the five lakes, and adherence to State fishing and boating regulations.

Electrical, garbage services, & water will resume April 1, 2025.


Nemaha NRD Park Rules & Regulations (revised 12/13/17)

In 1996 the board enacted a park entry permit requirement at three of its parks: Kirkman’s Cove, Iron Horse Trail Lake, and Wirth Brothers Lake (and now at Duck Creek Recreation Area). Fees collected from these vehicle permits have helped provide various park improvements and enhancements such as new picnic shelters, concrete outhouses, boat docks, etc.

  • Annual Permits (valid January 1-December 31):  $15
  • Duplicate Annual Permit* (limit one per annual permit purchased): $8 (Must be for a vehicle licensed to the same person(s) as the annual permit)
  • Daily Permit: $5 (valid on the date of purchase, expiring at noon the following day)
  • Group Permits: Must be requested in writing on NRD forms; rates vary depending on size/duration of event
  • Gift Certificates: Contact the NRD office to purchase

Annual and temporary permits may be purchased at each park through envelopes available at iron collection boxes. Annual permits will be mailed within 14 days if possible (use your temporary permit until you receive the annual permit sticker). Due to unusually high demand, it may take longer than 2 weeks to receive your permit. Please print clearly and be sure to provide all required information - failure to do so will result in an additional delay in receiving your permit(s). Annual permits may also be purchased in person at the NRD office (M-F, 8-4:30), by mail (click here for a printable application form), or ordered online (click the orange "Order Park Permit" button at the top of this page). The NNRD is not responsible for permits lost in the mail.