NRD Legislative Conference Recognizes 50 Years of Natural Resources Policy

NRD Legislative Conference Recognizes 50 Years of Natural Resources Policy

LINCOLN, Nebraska – Nebraska’s Natural Resources Districts will host their annual Legislative Conference to highlight partnerships and recognize 50 years of natural resources policy at the Lincoln Embassy Suites Jan. 25-26, 2022.

The two-day conference brings together Natural Resources Districts (NRDs), elected officials and public-private partners integrally involved in conservation, technology and policymaking. The conference also provides attendees an opportunity to learn how Nebraska’s NRDs work with ag producers, state and federal agencies, and members of the public to protect Nebraska’s natural resources.

Gov. Pete Ricketts will open the conference at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 25, followed by the general session presented by HDR Vice President and Water Resources Engineer John Engel, who will provide an update on the Statewide Tourism and Recreational Water Access and Resources Sustainability (STARWARS) Committee. The special committee of the legislature has been identifying geographic areas around the state for potential projects including, but not limited to, economic development, tourism and recreation, flood control, and water sustainability. Those recommendations are included in Sen. Mike Hilgers’ legislative bill 1014e: appropriate federal funds allocated to the State of Nebraska pursuant to the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.

Following the general session, there will be a focused discussion of proposed legislation of interest to the NRDs. During the evening Senators Reception, NRD leaders will meet with state senators to discuss legislation, natural resources challenges and successes in the districts.

The conference continues Wednesday, Jan. 26, with breakout sessions for attendees, including:

Let’s Talk About Nitrogen: Culture, Impacts and Economics
Tools Used in the Evaluation of Potential Flood Mitigation Projects for the Lower Platte River Corridor
PrairieFood, Micro-Carbons and Soil Health
The Groundwater Evaluation Toolbox – The First Three Years
Core Values & Connections
Nitrate in Drinking Water and a Bit About Emerging Contaminants, too
The Value of Data in Engineering Design

The Nebraska Association of Natural Resources Districts hosts the conference with a range of local and national sponsors including the Eastern Nebraska Water Resources Assessment (ENWRA), FYRA Engineering, HDR, JEO Consulting Group, Olsson, Soil and Water Conservation Society - Nebraska Chapter, Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute and the Nebraska Water Center. Online registration and a detailed agenda are available on the Nebraska Association of Resources Districts’ website (

Throughout 2022, the NRDs will commemorate breakthroughs and achievements in conservation these past 50 years. To join in the anniversary celebration and follow the Natural Resources Districts’ special activities throughout 2022, visit and follow #Since1972 on social media.

The Nebraska Association of Resources Districts (NARD), the trade association for Nebraska's 23 Natural Resources Districts (NRD), works with individual districts to protect lives, property and the future of Nebraska’s natural resources. NRDs are unique to Nebraska, and act as local government entities with broad responsibilities to protect Nebraska’s natural resources. Major Nebraska river basins form the boundaries of the 23 NRDs, enabling districts to respond to local conservation and resource management needs. Learn more about Nebraska’s NRDs at


Megan Grimes, Public Relations Director

Office: 402.471.7672

Cell: 402.419.4235