Private Pesticide Applicator Trainings set for January, February, & March
Private Pesticide Applicator Trainings set for January, February, & March
Private Pesticide Applicator Training Sessions have been scheduled in Nemaha, Johnson, Otoe, Pawnee, Richardson and Cass Counties for 2022 to provide an opportunity for farmers to renew their license or for initial certification. Sessions are shown in the photo or CLICK HERE. Sessions have been scheduled at different locations in each county from January through March 2022. These training sessions will serve as a method for farmers to become informed about recent advances in agronomy. UNL Extension wants producers to be made aware of some of the advances in crop production and some of the things they have observed in agronomy in southeast Nebraska this past year. The program will focus on current and important agronomic issues and potential challenges for the 2022 growing season and also address safety, laws and regulations for Private Pesticide Applicators. Topics that will be discussed include: Spray Drift, Dicamba application regulations and concerns and herbicide resistance in weeds. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in crops, invasive weeds, updates on soybean studies, insect and disease issues in soybeans, disease concerns and control in corn, insect issues in corn, and other potential issues in cropping systems will be addressed. For initial certification or recertification, farmers must attend the complete three-hour program. To register for a Private Pesticide Applicators Training in the six county region, call the number of the Extension office where the training will be held. While not required, pre-registration is recommended this year. There are 15 trainings scheduled in this six county area in 2022. There is also an on-line option available. If you have other questions feel free to contact Gary Lesoing, Extension Educator, at the Nemaha County Extension Office at (402) 274-4755.
Cost: $50/person (payable at the conclusion of the session with cash or by check made payable to University of Nebraska-Lincoln).
Pre-registration is encouraged by calling the Extension Office in the County where the training will be held.
Cass County Extension Office: 402-267-2205
Johnson County Extension Office: 402-335-3669
Nemaha County Extension Office: 402-274-4755
Otoe County Extension Office: 402-269-2301
Pawnee County Extension Office: 402-852-2970
Richardson County Extension Office: 402-245-4324
For more information please visit Nemaha County Extension's website CLICK HERE