Register Your Domestic Well Today!

Register Your Domestic Well Today!

If you have a private domestic water well on your property that was drilled prior to 1993, the Nemaha NRD encourages you to check to see if your well is registered by visiting the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources' (DNR) website HERE. DNR is the state agency responsible for registering groundwater wells in Nebraska. On their website. users can searh for wells geographically on the interactive map or by feature such as name or address in the database. A guidance document is also available to help search for and register wells HERE

Well registration is important as it helps to protect your water source from encroachment of other wells in the area. Registration fees are $70 for any well pumping less than 50 gallons per minute.

If you have an old well on your property that is no longer in use, the Nemaha NRD has cost-share available to help close that well safely. Please visit our website HERE