

The Nemaha Natural Resources District is looking for someone to fill a vacancy on its board of directors. As of January 2023, a position in the eastern Otoe County/eastern Nebraska City area is vacant since no one ran for the job during the November 2022, general election.

The NRD’s board of directors will accept written applications from interested, potential...Read more...

Applications for the Nemaha NRD’s Soil & Watershed Conservation Program are now being accepted at US Department of Agriculture (USDA) county service centers. Eligible activities through the program include:

  • Establishing cool or warm season grasses on cropland
  • Establishing trees and/or shrubs
  • Installing or renovating terraces,
  • ...

Have you seen a white NRD pickup truck on your property with a NRD watershed structure or dam recently? This time of year, NRD crews are working hard to get to inspect over 460 structures! Annual inspections are required to prevent structural failure and identify any current or potential issues. Common concerns identified during these inspection include...Read more...

When talking with Nebraska livestock producers about the weather, many can recall exceptionally cold, snowy winters or extreme storms from their past. Winter storms, like Ulmer in 2019, can have a devastating effect on livestock production. They can also highlight the value of windbreaks. In areas of Nebraska that suffered unimaginable livestock losses because of Ulmer...Read more...

Is your water safe to drink?

If you have a private well and have nitrates in your drinking water above 10ppm, you may be eligible for a rebate on a qualifying reverse osmosis system. Reverse osmosis removes contaminants from unrfiltered water to provide clea, safe drinking water.

Property owners will be eligible for rebates (up to $4000) for reverse...Read more...

The Nemaha Natural Resources District (NNRD) is once again accepting tree orders through its Conservation Tree Program. The Program encourages the planting and maintenance of trees and shrubs for windbreaks, shelterbelts, wildlife habitat, firewood, and Christmas trees. A variety of bare root trees and shrubs are available for $1.25 each and sold in lots of 25. “We...Read more...

The fall edition of the Nemaha NRD's quarterly newsletter, Insight, is now available online HERE. This issue features the District's FY22 annual report.Read more...

Two hundred thirty-nine FFA members from twelve high schools gathered in Pawnee County on Wednesday, October 6th to compete in the Southeast Area Land Judging Competition. Schools in attendance were Diller-Odell, Palmyra, Tri-County, Meridian, Johnson-Brock, Nebraska City, Fairbury, Syracuse-Dunbar-Avoca, Pawnee City, Lewiston, Johnson County Central, and Falls City....Read more...

LINCOLN, Nebraska – Natural resources stakeholders and subject matter experts will be in Kearney for the annual Nebraska Natural Resources Districts (NRDs) Conference at the Younes Conference Center Sept. 26-27, 2022.

The conference brings together NRD employees, directors and others integrally involved in conservation, technology and policymaking. The event...Read more...

LINCOLN, Nebraska – Questions about trees, erosion, drought or water quality? Stop in to visit with Nebraska’s Natural Resources Districts during Husker Harvest Days Sept. 13-15, 2022.

“This is a great opportunity for producers to meet with conservation agencies all in one place and learn more about cost-share programs that can benefit their operation and...Read more...