

With abnormally dry weather conditions the Nemaha Natural Resources District tree specialist, Mark McDonald, would like to remind everyone how critical it is to water trees and shrubs. Younger species with less vigorous root systems are especially at risk for damage or death from drought conditions. “Right now, the trees are storing up nutrients in their leaves to...Read more...

LINCOLN, Nebraska – More than 51,000 trees of ETGreen’s 1 million goal take root advancing an ecosystem that provides shelter, safety, food, and more to a diverse range of species. 

In July 2021, Executive Travel, a Lincoln-based travel management company, announced its ETGreen initiative with a goal of planting 1 million trees to help reduce the industry's...Read more...

NRDs play an important role in outdoor learning

LINCOLN, Nebraska – Since their inception, Nebraska’s Natural Resources Districts (NRDs) have organized projects and programs to educate both youth and adults about conservation and natural resources.

According to the Children and Nature Network, time in nature during childhood and role models who care for...Read more...

This article comes from News Channel Nebraska by Dan Swanson Click HERE to view the article on NCN's website

Auburn Board of Public Works recognizes link between stream quality and supply of drinking water...Read more...

The Nemaha Natural Resources District (NRD) received a handful of calls this spring about adolescent eastern red cedar trees suddenly and sporadically dying in windbreaks.

University of Nebraska Forester, Laurie Stepanek, visited the Nemaha NRD to do some detective work. Laurie is a forest health specialist and helps people across Nebraska with tree insects,...Read more...

The Nemaha NRD hosted an open house on July 15th to celebrate the 50th anniversary! Visitors had the opportunity to visit with staff, play recreation area themed games for a chance to win prizes, learn about water control structures, read some old newspaper articles, and have refreshments. The district has accomplished a lot over the last 50 years and is...Read more...

After a COVID induced hyatus the biennial “Watershed of Wonders” day camp was back this year and for the first time, was held at Duck Creek Recreation Area! Seventy, ten to twelve year olds from all across the Nemaha Natural Resources District (NNRD) participated in archery, fisheries education, fishing, boat safety, a boat ride, the amazing water race, water rockets,...Read more...

Nebraska Game and Parks hosted the 2022 Southeast Nebraska Birding event at Iron Horse Trail Lake and Lores Branch Wildlife Management Area. A crew of bird enthusiasts gathered early in the morning to take inventory on which birds were utilizing the areas. Collectively, 70 species of birds were identified! Unique species included Pileated Woodpecker,...Read more...

April 21, 2022

Surface work is underway on the Steamboat Trace Trail, so visitors are urged to be careful. Trucks are hauling rock to the trail, but it will take time to properly smooth the rock. Work is currently taking place on the stretch from Peru north to Camp Creek (approx. 5 miles). Work will continue for a couple of weeks, so expect the trail surface to...Read more...

It is springtime and although the weather seems to be indecisive the crews here at the Nemaha NRD are busy with all the activities that spring brings. If you remember our article from groundwater appreciation week, the Nemaha NRD has 119 wells they take water level readings from each spring and fall. Around the office this data collection time is called well blitz. ...Read more...